Wild Child.png

Three-season day camp program for
3- & 4-year-olds 

9 am - 12 pm

Two and Four Day Options Available
Longer days (12-2pm) option for Tues/Weds.
Scroll down to read more.

2025 Fall Registraton Coming Soon!


Wild Child offers 3- and 4-year-old children experiential learning through play, sensory, gross and fine motor activities, and creative expression.

Wild Child campers use the natural world as a learning environment that meets their developmental needs. The program aims to spark children’s life-long meaningful connection with the natural world.

The program includes natural science exploration, music, art, social and cognitive skill development. Skyline’s pond, wildflower hill, labyrinth, farm, and woods are our classroom.

Campers will build their knowledge through first-hand experiences with nature and relationships with peers and adults. 

Daily Schedule

8:50-9:00 Arrival
9:00-9:30 Free Play
9:30-10:00 Morning Gathering & Snack
10:20-10:30 Split into groups for Trekking Time
10:30-11:30 Daily Destination
11:30-11:40 Trekking Time
11:40-11:55 Free Play
11:50-12:00 Pickup

Morning Gathering
This is a daily check in to welcome everyone, sing songs together, story time, and share information that might be helpful for our daily destination.

Daily Destinations
Each day will we walk to a place at camp. Primarily our daily destination will be going to the farm and working with the animals and in the garden. We will also take time to visit place like the pond, the labyrinth, wild flower hill, and just hike the trails and visit the trees. 

Free Play
This is a time for the children to play within the boundaries of the Zone. They can build things out of natural materials, dig in the dirt, use the sports equipment, play at the potion station, etc.

Trekking Time
This is transition time. Campers will be given time to use the restroom if needed before we begin walking to our destination. As we walk (if time allows) we will stop and look at things we find along the way.

Snack Time
The snack will be provided by Skyline. The campers will help us prepare them as much as possible. We will cater the snacks to any allergies we have and try and source the food from Skylines gardens when available.

Longer Days!

For our Longer Days program campers stay until 2pm, rather than the typical noon check out. This gives us time to eat lunch together and explore more places at camp. We are offering this option on Tuesday and Wednesday for the fall season. It is an additional $19 per day for this and you will register for Longer days for the full season. 

General Flow of the day:

  • 9-12: Regular wild child programming

  • 12:00 - 12:30 Lunch time

  • 12:30-1:30: Visit another daily destination location

  • 1:30-1:40: Trek back to check out

  • 1:45-2:00: Pick Up

Reminders for the longer day:

  • Campers bring their own lunch. We eat lunch as a picnic- sometimes on blankets and sometimes at tables depending on weather and where we are going

  • Checkout for these campers will be at 2pm. 

  • Campers will have an opportunity to rest/nap if needed

Wild Child is a camp under Skyline’s existing Michigan camp license, and accreditation by the American Camp Association. Cognizant of current pre-school standards and objectives.

Please contact Erin for more information.