Help Us Refurbish the Skyline Pool!

The Skyline pool has been a place of joy, laughter, and unforgettable summer memories for generations of campers. But now, it’s in need of major repairs to ensure it can remain open for future campers. With your help, we can preserve this cherished part of our camp experience!

Why the Pool Matters

For decades, the pool has been at the heart of camp life—improving swimming and social skills and cooling off on hot summer days. It's a place where kids build confidence, make friends, and create lifelong memories. Without significant repairs, this vital piece of our camp would likely not have been operational for the 2025 camp season.

Our Goal $90,000 $14,600

Our Top Supporters


Lifeguard Legends

Donors who are safeguarding the pool’s future for generations of campers.

  • Romeo Lions Club

  • Anonymous

Deep Dive Donors

Donors that are making a bigger splash to help fund the pool repairs.

Splash Makers

Every splash makes a difference! These donors help build momentum for the project.

Keep Updated with the Refurbishment Progress

Refurbishment is already under way! Checkout the progress below and keep coming back to this page for more updates!