Pave the Way for future generations of Skyline campers!
Join us as we “Pave the Way” for future campers at Skyline AND pave an area near the swimming pool with memory bricks. Each brick will be donated by a caring supporter such as you with your own name or with a tribute in memory or in honor of someone special to you.
4” x 8” sample - First memory brick for a loved and remembered animal
8” x 8” sample - Familiar words now engraved in brick.
Engrave a memory brick to be laid at our newly refurbished pool so that campers can continue making memories for years to come at Skyline.
There are three brick sizes to select from:
4” x 8” a donation of $150 : Buddy Brick
8” x 8” a donation of $300 : Aquatic Observer
12” x 12” a donation of $500 : Lifeguard
Our goal is 100 memory bricks of any size.
The engraved bricks from our camp community will be used to pave a new sitting area adjacent to the pool. This patio will be along the entrance on the West side of the pool and under the new shade structure that is coming in 2025.
All funds received from this will be used to finish this patio, complete the upgrade of the pool area and to enhance Camp Skyline for years to come.
Once we reach this goal we will place the order and start paving the patio.
We intend to leave this open so that campers, alumni, retreat groups and all will have a chance to engrave their name at Skyline.