Community Sing

Gather at camp for a sing-along once a season.

3:00-4:30pm ON


Our goal as a camp is to welcome and create community. Community Sing is a simple way of bringing together people who seek community. Songs are a language we can share. Puzzles give the folks who may just want to listen something to work on together. “Afternoon Tea” is sharing a hot cup of tea (or coffee) and some treats at a point in the day when you need a recharge.

Folks come with just their voice or an instrument, but afternoon treats to share are also welcome! We will have the kettle on for tea and a pot of coffee ready to go too.

All are welcome: children, teens and adults of all ages.

We sing Skyline tunes, folk, world, gospel, acapella, and whatever else makes us happy. Join us for a melodic recharge, for joy and fun, but neither perfection nor performance.

No experience necessary,
just the love of song.

Led by Shana & Matt Henry.

Call Shana with questions at (810)-798-8240 or email