for campers with typical needs (counselor : camper ratio 1:7)
Discounts Available for Overnight Camps:
Sibling discount, $25 per camper.
Multi-week Discount (2 or more weeks), $50 per camper
Register by February 14th for the EARLYBIRD discount, $30 per camper.
5 day/4 night session for children Ages 6-15
Session A: June 29th - July 3rd
$600 per session
6 day/5 night sessions for children Ages 7-15
SESSION B: July 6-11
SEssion D: July 13-18 (includes *Nocturnal Option ages 12-15)
Session E: July 20-25
$750 per session

13 day/12 night Session Ages 10-15
two week camp!!! Session BCD July 6-18 new in 2025
When registering, please register for Sessions B and D, and add in the optional Weekend Stayover. See below for more information on this camp. $1600
Why camp overnight at Skyline??
It’s easy to make friends when you jump into a safe circle of peers supported by counselors and stay awhile. Once you unpack your bags and set up your bed for the week, the teambuilding begins. Our counselors come from Michigan and from different countries around the world to connect with you, learn from you and care for you. Come out and find your little cabin in the woods; about 6 to 9 campers and 1 or 2 counselors share each cabin. Our campers find that unplugging from their lives at home and devices and jumping into the adventure of camp gives them new opportunities for growth, learning and fun.
There are many choices to be made each day. Where will your cabin choose to go for Cabin Choice each morning? Which Scatter will you choose? Scatters change each day; you pick this activity as an individual. Scatter options may include Archery, Goat walking, Soccer, Tree Climbing, Journaling, Low ropes Course, Fishing, Boating, Gardening, Farm visits, Garden Tea Party, Football, Cooking, Shelter Building, Karaoke, Drumming, Fire Building, Yoga, Wetlands Exploration, Pond Dipping, and more. Sometimes choices can be hard, but we believe in the power of compromise and the learning that comes with it.
In the afternoons, overnight campers have a few hours to move between the Pool, the Makerspace and the Zone. You can choose on your own or decide with your friends. You may want to cool off in the pool for the afternoon, or perhaps spend time dreaming up a project and then creating it in the Makerspace. Some campers like to start off in the free play Zone, either in the trees or on the Sports Courts, and then cool off in the Pool. Whatever you choose, it’s up to you, so it will be a good afternoon!
Another reason overnight camp is unique is because we serve campers from further away since their families don’t have to drive every day. That means overnight campers come from cities and towns all over Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Canada and other countries! We learn a lot in a week in a cabin laughing, playing and even snoring with friends who we could not meet without camp bringing us together.
We all thrive when we spend time in nature. Running or even rolling down hills, building fires and shelters, climbing trees, catching a fish or a firefly, picking flowers, connecting with animals and watching the sun set every night are the experiences our campers have at Skyline.
So pack your bags and join us as we connect to each other, ourselves and the earth this summer.
Discounts Available for Overnight Camps:
Sibling discount, $25 per camper.
Multi-week Discount (2 or more weeks), $50 per camper
Register by February 14th for the EARLYBIRD discount, $30 per camper.
two week camp for ages 10-15!!! Session BCD July 6-18
Due to popular demand by our tweens and teens, Skyline now has a two week camp! This session includes an onsite rustic tent camping weekend Friday July 11th to Sunday July 13th. This rustic camping weekend is only an option for campers who are registered for both sessions B and D. Campers will set up and sleep in tents, cook their own meals, filter their drinking water, and explore more rustic areas of camp on a looser time schedule than usual.
*Nocturnal Option ages 12-15 July 13-18: session D
Michigan doesn’t get dark until about 10pm in July, which means that our campers don’t often enjoy the night sky or experience darkness at camp. Nocturnal Campers (ages 12-15 in Session D) experience the beauty and adventure of the night while also enjoying typical camp activities in the daytime, including our daily all-camp Gathering and evening campfires. They sleep in cabins between 1am and 9am. They eat two meals at the Dining Hall with the rest of camp, and prepare one meal a day on their own, by lamplight.
FLOSS Future Leaders of Skyline Summers (3 sessions in July for ages 13-15)