Sharing Skyline Stories

Saturday, March 15, 2025

4:00-7:00 pm

First Presbyterian Church, Birmingham
1669 West Maple, Birmingham MI 48009

Join us for a time of nostalgia, connection, and sharing experiences honoring
Skyline’s 60th Anniversary.

RSVP by March 7th!

4:00pm Welcome & Appetizers 4:30-5:30pm Stories & Songs
5:30-6:15pm Dinner 6:15-6:45pm Connections
6:45-7:00pm Closing

Sixty Years and Counting

If you’d like to pay by check, choose the quantity and add ticket(s) to cart. At check out enter the discount code CHECK. Please make your check payable to Camp Skyline. Mail the check to:

Kay Huberty
6216 Hills Drive,
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301


Call Shana at camp (810)798-8240 Ext. 104 with questions or to RSVP by phone.

If funds are an issue at this time, please use the discount code SKYLINE60 at checkout to reduce the price by 50% or email

I won't be able to make it in person, but would like to make a donation.
