Camperships make it possible for summer campers to experience Skyline.
Camp makes a world of difference. Skyline campers spend a week playing outdoors, unplugged, taking risks, and developing resilience. Every summer Skyline needs financial support for at least 100 campers, more than $60,000 this year. This is what we are made for; we need and appreciate your gifts to make this possible now and for years to come.
Help Skyline Make Camp Possible by contributing to our Campership funding. Every handprint on this tree represents one campership, the cost for a week of overnight camp, or half the cost of a week of special needs camp. In 2024, the cost of one campership is $710. Skyline partners with community agencies and organizations to identify and welcome most campership recipients.
Thank you for your support.
For 2023, we raised enough to fully fund 55 camperships. Thank you, donors!