
Skyline is an independent 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation, administered by its Board of Directors.

Skyline is proud of the relationships and connections we have in the community, a few of which are listed on this page.

Skyline is…

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…licensed by the state of michigan

The Michigan Department of Human Services reviews Skyline annually, to ensure we are in compliance in the areas of health and safety, site suitability, activities and staffing, among others.

…Accredited by the American Camp Association

ACA Accreditation means that the camp you are considering for your child cares enough to undergo a thorough (up to 300 standards) review of its operation - from staff qualifications and training to emergency management.

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…a mission created by First Presbyterian, Birmingham

Skyline’s business office is maintained in the building of Birmingham’s First Presbyterian Church. The church no longer owns nor operates Skyline, having nurtured it for about 40 years before Skyline "graduated" into independence in 2005. Read more of our history, here.

…a member of the Presbyterian Church Camp & Conference Association

Although Skyline is no longer owned/operated by a church, our tradition and heritage is maintained in many ways, including an active participation in the PCCCA.

…a signatory to the Charter for Compassion

The Charter for Compassion is a document that transcends religious, ideological, and national differences.  Supported by leading thinkers from many traditions, the Charter activates the Golden Rule around the world.